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IAA Transportation 2022

Mubea U-Mobility at the IAA Transportation 2022 in Hanover

The world's most important platform for the future of commercial vehicles ends.

IAA Transportation 2022 – Teamfoto

After six eventful days, the diverse and futuristic world of the commercial vehicle industry closed its doors once again! At the fair, while many interesting impressions were echoed about the future of vans, trailers, and, bodies, the e-cargo bikes became a center of attention for all visitors, including our own Mubea U-Mobility team.

Alongside 1,400 other exhibitors, Mubea U-Mobility was also represented at the IAA Transportation 2022 in Hanover. We presented our XBoard and various versions of our cargobike in the “Last Mile Experience Area”, consequently, also presenting our emission-free, quiet, space-saving solution on how parcels and other goods can land at doorsteps.

The “Last Mile Experience Area” not only invited visitors to engage in an interesting dialog about sustainable transportation, but it also enabled them to experience the driving experience first-hand with our XBoards and cargos on a test track. With tight curves, a bridge, and plenty of bumps, the test track offered enough opportunities to demonstrate the robustness, ergonomics, and comfort of our vehicles. At the end of the experience, our performance even convinced the jury to give Mubea U-Mobility the “International Cargobike of the Year” award.

The jury, consisting of four people, tested our Cargo PICK-UP very carefully and intensively during the fair and finally gave the award to us under the category “Heavy Cargobikes”, among 26 other candidates. While we are incredibly happy and delighted about this award, we also see it as a recognition of the increasing relevance of climate-neutral logistics in today's world.

Our impressions of the six days at the fair in Hanover also matched the feedback we received from visitors. According to the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), the “IAA Test Drives” and the “IAA Cargobike Parkour” received top marks from three-quarters of the visitors and were extremely popular, generating approximately 7,500 test drives. [1]

Participating in the IAA Transportation was very important for us. From the extensive discussions with stakeholders to various industries and departments on customer requirements and solutions, innovations, and technical challenges, we took away – as always – plenty of insides to make our electric cargo bikes even better.

[1] Cf. German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA), Successful IAA TRANSPORTATION comes to an end,…, latest access: 11/03/2022